TXV chamber

The External Thermostatic Expansion Valve Chamber See this chart: Where should the external equalizer be installed? The external expansion valve includes the external equalizer line. The external equalizer line should be installed after the TXV Bulb. That is, the TXV sensing buld should be installed before the equalizer. Before and after are relative to the refrigerant flow, that is, where refrigerant reaches first is before, where regrigerant reaches later is after, in this case, the sensing bulb should be closer to txv than the equalizer port. Another discussion about this. TXV Bulb Mounting Position and External Equalization! Updated: Nov 20, 2023 The question we are looking to answer is, should we install the TXV bulb before (upstream) or after (downstream of) the external equalization port? The first thing to know is that the TXV controls the amount of refrigerant flowing into the evaporator coil. The TXV is a metering device that restricts the flow of refrigera...